20 de citate inspirationale despre moda care te vor motiva

citate inspirationale despre moda
De Flavia Parpala
4 dec. 2018

Pentru ca sunt sigura ca ai nevoie de inspiratie si motivatie in materie de stil, am decis sa caut cateva citate despre moda ale celor mai apreciati oameni din industrie.

De la Marc Jacobs la Tom Ford, la Kate Moss si pana la Vivenne Westwood, am ales cuvintele starurilor din moda care au rezonat peste ani si care au inspirat milioane de oameni.

Descopera 20 de citate inspirationale despre moda care te vor motiva si te vor face sa intelegi ce este stilul si bunul gust:
Anna Wintour

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🎊Happy Birthday to the most powerful, inspirational, influential woman in the world. She is a role model and my favorite person.♥️ 🎊I want to share with you her incredible speech, which she gave at the Oxford Union in 2015. Part1️⃣-“I come from a highly academic family and I had a brother and cousin at Oxford, a sister at Cambridge, a grandfather who taught law at Harvard, my parents went to Cambridge, so obviously deeply intimidated,I left school at 16 and went straight to work. It’s a path that I sometimes regret, especially seeing my own children make friends for life at the university and seeing how incredibly important that time was to them, for figuring things out. So, as I was coming here yesterday from Italy, I was thinking what can I possibly say to you that will have relevance, because I feel that everything that I said few years ago is probably hopelessly out of date. So,I am going to start by saying something rather unorthodox in the British halls of higher learning. Please don’t become over specialized, be intellectually free, try lots and lots of different things. I know, you all have come here with very specific interests: law, art, history, philosophy and I am sure, you are all prepared brilliantly to be the very best in your field ,at the ripe age of twenty and that commitment is wonderful. But don’t close your mind to other callings.” . #annawintour #vogue #oxford #inspiration #happybirthday

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„Daca nu poti fi mai bun decat competitia ta, macar imbraca-te mai bine.”

Jane Birkin

„Ma simt cel mai confortabil intr-o pereche veche de jeansi, tenisi Converse si hanoracul unui barbat. Cea mai buna prietena a mea ma tunde cu foarfece de bucatarie.”

Naomi Campbell

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🖤🖤🖤 @craig__green

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„Schimbarea look-ului a fost mereu o provocare pentru mine. Imi plac cuvintele precum transformare, reinventare, cameleon. Singurul cuvant care nu-mi place e predictibil.”

Kim Kardashian West

„Pentru mine skinny (slab) e doar un model de jeansi, nu un scop.”

Yves Saint Laurent

„In timp, am invatat ca ceea ce e cu adevarat important despre o rochie este persoana care o poarta.”

Iris Apfel

„Daca parul tau arata bine si porti pantofi frumosi, poti sa faci orice.”

Alexander McQueen

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In loving memory of Annabelle Neilson, March 31 1969 to July 12 2018. Photograph by Richard Mildenhall. Annabel Lee By Edgar Allan Poe It was many and many a year ago, In a kingdom by the sea,  That a maiden there lived whom you may know By the name of Annabel Lee;  And this maiden she lived with no other thought Than to love and be loved by me. I was a child and she was a child, In this kingdom by the sea,  But we loved with a love that was more than love— I and my Annabel Lee—  With a love that the wingèd seraphs of Heaven Coveted her and me. And this was the reason that, long ago, In this kingdom by the sea,  A wind blew out of a cloud, chilling My beautiful Annabel Lee;  So that her highborn kinsmen came And bore her away from me,  To shut her up in a sepulchre In this kingdom by the sea. The angels, not half so happy in Heaven, Went envying her and me—  Yes!—that was the reason (as all men know, In this kingdom by the sea)  That the wind came out of the cloud by night, Chilling and killing my Annabel Lee. But our love it was stronger by far than the love Of those who were older than we— Of many far wiser than we—  And neither the angels in Heaven above Nor the demons down under the sea  Can ever dissever my soul from the soul Of the beautiful Annabel Lee; For the moon never beams, without bringing me dreams Of the beautiful Annabel Lee;  And the stars never rise, but I feel the bright eyes Of the beautiful Annabel Lee;  And so, all the night-tide, I lie down by the side Of my darling—my darling—my life and my bride, In her sepulchre there by the sea— In her tomb by the sounding sea.

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„Moda ar trebui sa fie o forma de escapism, nu o inchisoare.

Calvin Klein

„Cred ca orice femeie are dreptul sa aleaga ce se intampla cu viata si cu corpul ei.”

Vivienne Westwood

„Cumpara mai putin. Alege cu cap. Fa-le sa dureze. Lumea cumpara mult prea multe haine.”

Ralph Lauren

„Eu nu creez haine, eu creez vise.”

Mary Quant

„O femeie stilata poarta hainele. Nu hainele o poarta pe ea.”

Marc Jacobs

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VOTE 🇺🇸⭐️ rg: @themarcjacobs

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„Stilul e mult mai interesant decat moda.”

Tom Ford

„Sa te imbraci bine e un semn de bune maniere.”

Cindy Crawford

„Eu nu ma trezesc dimineata aratand ca Cindy Crawford.”

Diana Vreeland

„Dispretuiesc narcisismul, dar aprob vanitatea.”

Donatella Versace

„Nici nu mai stiu care e culoarea naturala a parului meu. Natural? Ce e natural? Nu cred in 100% natural pentru femei. Pentru mine natural e ceva ce are legatura cu legumele.”


„Nu trebuie sa te imbraci ca restul lumii. E mult mai amuzant sa-ti creezi propriul look.”

Kate Moss

„La inceput mi-a fost frica sa-mi arat corpul. Dupa ce am facut-o, nu m-au mai deranjat alunitele mele, faptul ca am sanii mici sau ca nu am dintii suficient de drepti.”

David Bowie

„Moda glam a plantat semintele pentru o noua identitate. Copiii chiar aveau nevoie de asta – acest simt al reinventarii. Asa au invatat ca oricat de nebunesc li s-ar parea un lucru, exista un loc si pentru el pe lumea asta. Exista un loc pentru ce vrei sa faci si cine vrei sa fii.”

Audrey Hepburn

„Eleganta este singurul tip de frumusete care nu dispare.”

Citeste si cele mai frumoase citate de viata oferite de Meghan Merkle.

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