Cele mai relaxante pozitii de yoga indicate inainte de culcare – le faci in pat

pozitii de yoga
De Ioana Marosan
27 ian. 2019

Ce faci cand ai probleme cu somnul si iti ia o vesnicie sa adormi? In loc sa numeri oi sau sa te rasucesti pe toate partile, ar fi bine sa le dai o sansa acestor pozitii de yoga, pe care e bine sa le faci inainte de culcare.

Nu iti propun o activitate fizica intensa care sa-ti perturbe calitatea somnului, ci de cateva posturi in care corpul se relaxeaza. In acelasi timp, cu ajutorul respiratiei constiente in timp ce executi cele mai relaxante pozitii de yoga poti sa te relaxezi cu adevarat si sa pregatesti corpul pentru un somn linistitor.

Un somn odihnitor este cel mai bun rasfat pentru intregul corp, iar ca sa te asiguri ca nu mai intampini probleme incearca diseara acest set de pozitii de yoga indicate inainte de culcare:

Pozitia Ananda Balasana – 10 respiratii complete

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Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to find peace exactly who and what you are. To take pride in your thoughts, your appearance, your talents, your flaw and to stop this incessant worrying that you cut be loved as you are… . Happy Friday friends💋 . . . . . . . . . . . . #myyogapractice #happybabypose #anandabalasana #funwithyoga #yogaart #yogaplay #yogaisart #makingshapes #creatingshapes #flowwithme #yogabody #yogagoddess #yogadailypractice #yogaforthebody #thisismyyoga #yogaislife #yogaforthesoul #healthymindhealthybody

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Este una dintre cele mai benefice posturi pentru coloana vertebrala, ajuta la deschiderea soldurilor si detensioneaza spatele. Stai intinsa in pat, ridica si indoaie picioarele in timp ce apuci cu mainile partea exterioara a talpilor. Lasa genunchii sa cada cat mai jos catre pat si sa se deschida soldurile, dar fara sa ridici umerii. Ramai in aceasta postura timp de 10 respiratii complete.

Pozitia Uttana Shishosana – 10 respiratii complete

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#Uttanashishosana 🐶 #puppypose Such a yummy stretch. I have the tightest shoulders and this one really helps me open up. Practising post this pose I feel an instant chest opening and my breathing gets deeper 🙏 * – • Beginner tip – You can hold this pose longer and protect your knees and lower back by placing a rolled-up blanket or bolster between your thighs and calves. Wearing @aloyoga 📸 – @ashwin.fernandes • – • #yogi #yogainspiration #yoga #yogagram #igyoga #igyogafam #instayoga #yogisofinstagram #yogapractice #yogaeverydamnday #yogadaily #aloyoga #practiceandalliscoming #namaste #igfitness #strength #flexibility #yogajourney @yogamastersindia #applewatchseries3 #yogacommunity #yogajournal #yogalover #yogspiration #iloveyoga #myyogalife #yogapose #yogaeverydamnday #anshukayoga

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O alta postura extrem de relaxanta pe care o poti face in pat inainte de culcare este pozitia numita Uttana Shishosana. Aduce o multime de beneficii pentru digestie, amelioreaza senzatia de balonare si favorizeaza astfel un somn odihnitor.

Din pozitia sprijin pe genunchi si palme aluneca usor cu mainile inainte pana cand atingi cu pieptul cuvertura patului. Asaza fruntea pe pat, insa ai mare grija ca posteriorul sa fie in linie cu genunchii in timpul acestei posturi. Mentine postura timp de 10 respiratii complete.

Pozitia Balasana cu sprijin pe perne – 10 respiratii complete

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I cried at the end of yoga class yesterday. In savasana (on my side in the fetal position)… with tears coming down my face. . Out of pure frustration. Not with anyone or anything – but with myself, and my body. . I went to class feeling OK (a little sore, but certainly no intention of bursting into tears). But as I moved through class – every movement we we’re cued to do during class felt painful. Strained. Not right. . My body felt weak. . So when it came time to lay on our backs towards the end of class – I sure as hell couldn’t do a backbend, or an inversion, and I couldn’t even lay flat on my back without pain. . So.. there I was. Laying on my side. With tears just uncontrollably streaming down my face. . And the tears weren’t because of the pain – because I know it can always be worse. But for the frustration of not knowing what to do, or how to fix it, or feeling like I’ve tried everything I can think of. . Those of you who have been following me for a bit now know that I’ve been dealing with some back issues since the end of last Summer. And no matter what I do – more/less/nothing… it doesn’t seem to get much better. . But what it makes me even MORE sad about – is the people that deal with constant pain or chronic health issues on an even more long-term basis. Aside from the way that it can effect you physically – the way that it effects you mentally is just as taxing, if not more. . I felt like this was important to share because from the outside looking in you really truly never know what someone is going through, or how they are feeling (not speaking about myself but just in general). . If you’re out there and you deal with chronic pain or health issues I’m sending you SO much love and SO much light – you’re a true warrior. . Keep pushing. Keep going. You got this. Things WILL get better. . ✨ Pic by @jayg.photo of me in my favorite pose now more than ever Wearing all @aloyoga #beagoddess #aloyoga . #childspose #balasana #wyapc #yogateacher #instayoga #yogagram #yogapic #westchesteryoga #nycyoga

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Este una dintre cele mai relaxante pozitii de yoga pe care o poti face oricand, deoarece iti da o stare de bine si detensioneaza tot corpul. Din pozitia sprijin pe genunchi si palme, genunchii se departeaza cat mai mult, degetele mari de la picioare se ating si posteriorul ramane pe calcaie in timp ce trunchiul se apleaca catre pat.

Pentru un plus de confort poti sa pui sub trunchi doua perne. Mainile se intind deasupra capului si capul se odihneste pe perne. Mentine postura timp de 10 respiratii complete, inspirand si expirand pe nas.

Pozitia Eka Pada Rajakapotasana – 10 respiratii complete

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Просто люблю то, что я делаю. Рада, что однажды боль в спине привела меня на первую практику. Рада, что нашла и нахожу ресурсы и силы остаться. Рада всем переменам, которые произошли и происходят. Рада делиться. Рада видеть рост и прогресс тех, кто со мной. Рада любви и поддержке тех, кто со мной. Рада сталкиваться с трудностями, болью, ограничениями, ведь это все процесс обучения. . «Труд, что проделан в беспокойстве за его плоды, гораздо ниже стоит, нежели труд, вершимый в состоянии покоя. Уравновешенность – безоблачный настрой ума, свободный от симпатий и антипатий, влечения и отвращения – поверь, вот идеальное отношение к жизни. Достичь такого состояния ума – означает найти прибежище в божественном. Жалок тот, чьи усилия питаются плодами его дел». . Всем любви ❤️ Любите процесс 🙏🏼 . #коврикдляйоги @posayoga.russia ✨

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Daca faci acest exercitiu in pat, gradul lui de dificultate nu va fi atat de ridicat, deoarece perna pusa sub trunchi usureaza postura. Insa, aceasta pozitie de yoga este una extrem de benefica pentru relaxarea soldurilor si a coloanei vertebrale.

Din sprijin pe genunchi si palme, se asaza o perna sub tine, se indoaie piciorul stang si se pune pe pat cu genunchiul in exterior.
Trunchiul se apleaca peste perna si asaza mainile sub cap, astfel incat sa gasesti cea mai confortabila pozitie in care sa stai 10 respiratii complete. Apoi schimba partea, indoind piciorul drept sub tine.

Foto: Instagram – Caley Alyssa