Cereale care inlocuiesc cu succes quinoa. Sunt la fel de sanatoase!

De Ioana Marosan
23 nov. 2018

Daca nu-ti place quinoa, desi ai auzit despre calitatile ei nutritive exceptionale, atunci inlocuieste-o cu alte cereale care sunt la fel de sanatoase.

Quinoa a capatat in ultimii ani reputatia de “superaliment” datorita calitatilor sale nutritive exceptionale. Face parte din regimul alimentar al multor vedete de la Hollywood si este considerata regina alimentatiei sanatoase.

Insa quinoa nu este singura cereala care intruneste aceste calitati. Iti prezentam mai jos cateva alternative pe care le poti incerca si care sunt pline de nutrienti esentiali pentru sanatatea organismului.

1. Amaranth.

Este inlocuitorul perfect pentru fulgii de ovaz pe care ii consumi la micul dejun. La fel ca si quinoa, poate fi folosit in salate sau ca garnitura pentru un preparat principal. Amaranthul contine mai multe grasimi nesaturare decat quinoa, de 4 ori mai mult calciu si cu 20% mai mult magneziu. O portie de amaranth gatit (70 de grame) contine 125 de calorii, 2 grame de grasimi nesaturate, 0 grame de grasimi saturate, 7 mg de sodiu, 23 de grame de carbohidrati, 3 grame de fibre, 0 grame de zahar si 5 grame de proteine.

2. Teff.

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いつか昔に作ったテフクッキー🍪 超簡単で美味しかったの覚えてるけど、アレ、もうない。知らない間に食べられてた😶 インスタですがずっとログアウトしていて、ダイレクトメッセージやコメントにお返しできていません。 すみません。他のことが落ち着き次第返信させていただきますのでもう少々キレずにお待ち下さいませ〜❤️ ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Haven’t cooked or baked anything special for the past 2 weeks, and I’m sure now that I looove standing in the kitchen and creating my own things! Sorry for not being able to reply your comments and DMs since I’ve been logged out from Instagram. I’ll get back to you as soon as everything is settled💪 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ #teffcookies#teff#veganbaking#vegancookies#veganrecipes#veganfoodshare#vegan#vegetarian#healthybaking#healthy#cleaneating#healthyfood#noguilty#coconutcookies#テフ#雑穀#クッキー#ヘルシーおやつ#ヴィーガン#ヘルシー#ダイエット

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Este o cereala cultivata in Africa, poate fi consumata alaturi de legume, salate, in supe si in tocane. Este delicioasa alaturi de fructe uscate, neindulcite artificial, nuci si lapte de migdale neindulcit. O portie de teff gatit (70 de grame) contine 127 de calorii, 0,8 grame de grasimi nesaturate, 0 grame de grasimi saturate, 10 mg sodiu, 25 de grame de carbohidrati, 3,5 grame de fibre, 0 grame de zahar si 5 grame de proteine.

3. Hrisca.

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"Renew, release, let go. Yesterday’s gone. There’s nothing you can do to bring it back. You can’t “should’ve” done something. You can only DO something. Renew yourself. Release that attachment. Today is a new day!"💞 ~ Steve Maraboli ✨✨✨ Happy Thursday Everyone😘 ✨✨✨ Pic: Spiced buckwheat porridge with @alpro soya milk🤩 . . . #porridge #buckwheat #alpro #morning #motivation #food #foodporn #foodpics #foodlover #healthychoices #cleaneating #f52grams #recipes #hereismyfood #homemadefood #globyfood #breakfast #beautifulcuisines #feedfeed #vegan #vegetarian #whatveganseat #pusryciai #sveikasmaistas #mityba #maistas #rytas #lietuva #sveikasgyvenimas #мирдолжензнатьчтояем

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La fel ca si quinoa, hrisca nu contine gluten si este o sursa completa de proteine, adica asigura organismului toti cei 9 aminoacizi esentiali pe care acesta nu-i poate produce. Poate fi consumata la micul dejun, in loc de fulgi de ovaz, in salate sau in preparate la wok. O portie gatita (70 de grame) de hrisca contine 146 de calorii, 1,4 grame de grasimi nesaturate, 0,3 grame de grasimi saturate, 30,4 grame de carbohidrati, 4,2 grame de fibre, 0 grame de zahar si 5,6 grame de proteine.

4. Kaniwa (canihua).

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Like quinoa, kaniwa also hails from a South America. Cultivated in Peru and Bolivia, kaniwa is the seed from a flowering plant called goosefoot (Chenopodium pallidicaule). Quinoa is from the same genus (Chenopodium) but is a different species (quinoa) with slightly different properties. Quinoa consists of small seed grains that may be red, dark brown, or white in appearance. Kaniwa are about half the size of quinoa seeds and are dark red or brownish in color. Both quinoa and kaniwa have a nutty flavor, although kaniwa is slightly sweeter. kaniwa has a slightly crunchy texture, while quinoa is fluffy and soft. The seeds are naturally gluten-free. Both types of grain are excellent sources of fibre and they both are protein powerhouses. Quinoa and kaniwa are complete proteins, meaning that they contain all of the essential amino acids your body cannot produce itself. Kaniwa is particularly high in lysine, an amino acid that is typically found only in small amounts in grain products. 🌾🌾🌾🌾🌾🌾LEARNING ABOUT FOOD IS FUN! 🤓🧐 #kaniwa #quinoa #glutenfree #protein #plantprotein #completeprotein #forgetmenot #food #veggies #plantlife #plantlove #plantstrong

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70 de grame de kaniwa asigura 60% din necesarul zilnic de fier, de 6 ori mai mult decat aceeasi cantitate de quinoa. Este foarte buna alaturi de preparate din fructe de mare, branza tofu sau carne si se potriveste in salate, supe sau preparate la wok. O portie gatita (70 de grame) are 160 de calorii si contine 1 gram de grasimi nesaturate, 110 mg sodiu, 30 de grame de carbohidrati, 3 grame de fibre,0 grame dezahar si 7 grame de proteine.

5. Painea Ezekiel.

Este inlocuitorul perfect pentru painea obisnuita, indiferent daca iti place prajita, fara coaja sau intreaga. Spre deosebire de quinoa, painea Ezekiel contine cereale germinate care maresc termenul de bio-valabilitate al vitaminelor si mineralelor. O felie de paine Ezekiel are 80 de calorii si contine 0,5 grame de grasimi nesaturate, 0 grame de grasimi saturate, 80 mg sodiu, 15 grame de carbohidrati, 3 grame de fibre, 1 gram de zahar si 4 grame de proteine.

Foto: Shutterstock.com