Cele mai eficiente pozitii de yoga care intaresc sistemul imunitar

pozitii de yoga
De Ioana Marosan
15 feb. 2019

Stresul poate sa slabeasca sistemul imunitar si sa favorizeze reactiile inflamatorii in corp. Aceste pozitii de yoga te ajuta sa te eliberezi de stres si sa intaresti sistemul imunitar.

Numeroase studii au demonstrat ca yoga poate sa intareasca sistemul imunitar, deoarece are capacitatea de a reduce stresul si a scadea inflamatiile din corp. Include aceste pozitii de yoga in practica ta zilnica si te vei simti mai bine:

Pozitia Prasarita Padottanasana – 5 respiratii complete pe fiecare parte

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Day 9 of #ShoulderConnections with @cyogalife @gmcyoga and @jinny.suh.00 is #PrasaritaPadottanasana aka. Wide leg forward fold, revolved variation! Happy I’ve been sticking with this #yogachallenge and enjoying it 🥳 Looking ahead, things are about to get more intense🤪 📸: @sprocario

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Se porneste din stand cu picioarele departate pe saltea si cu degetele orientate in fata. Pune mainile pe solduri si incordeaza abdomenul.

Inspira adanc, iar pe expir apleaca trunchiul si pune palmele pe sol, in linie cu umerii.

Indoaie mijlocul si prinde glezna dreapta cu mana stanga, panand mana dreapta pe soldul opus. Mentine rasucirea timp de 5 respiratii complete, dupa care schimba partea.

5 pozitii de yoga care stimuleaza metabolismul sa arda mai multe grasimi

Plansa – 5 respiratii complete

Din stand in patrupedie, incordeaza abdomenul si posteriorul incercand sa mentii plansa.

Soldurile sunt in linie cu umerii, ca sa pastrezi coloana dreapta si mentii tot corpul incordat timp de 5 respiratii complete.

Pozitia Bhujangasana – 5 respiratii complete

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I am learning I have to stop looking for you behind me. I already don't expect to find you there. I can only let my heart beat as loud as possible and hope you can hear it and follow the path to it. Mixed thoughts on my mind. . #kingcobrapose for Day 1 of #MyTrueYoga challenge ♥️ This Asana has become one of my favourites lately. It makes me feel completely exposed, offering all that I have, all that I am. #rajabhujangasana #cobra #bhujangasana . ♥️ Outfit: @yobaby_hk @yobaby.official_store ♥️ Mat: @gocleveryoga . . . . Hosts: @omniyogagirl @faithfoxmama @popsterivy @karfarn . Sponsors: @marthaacunasportwear @faithfoxdesigns @oilsforeveryfamily @narabellabrand @embracetheblock @soulshinejewelryuk @inspiritcollective . . #yoga #yogainspiration #yogaeveryday #yogaeverydamnday #yogalove #yogalife #yogini #yogisofig #yogisofinstagram #igyoga #yogagram #yogagirl #yogapractice #iloveyoga #practiceandalliscoming #instayoga #instayogafam #yogaeverywhere #igyogafamily #igyoga #yogaaddict #lachicadelaazotea

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Din stand pe burta, incordeaza abdomenul astfel incat sa simti cum se lipeste de spate si nu mai atinge solul. Indoaie bratele si pune palmele pe saltea in dreptul coastelor.

Inspira si preseaza cu palmele in sol ca sa ridici pieptul, ducand omoplatii unul catre celalalt. Mentine postura timp de 5 respiratii complete.

Cele mai relaxante pozitii de yoga indicate inainte de culcare – le faci in pat

Pozitia Parivrtta Sanchalasana – 5 respiratii complete pe fiecare parte

Din patrupedie, se duce piciorul drept in fata si se asaza intre palme, avand grija ca genunchiul sa fie in linie cu glezna.

Inspira, ridica pieptul, adu palmele impreuna in dreptul inimii si incordeaza abdomenul. Pe expir, rasuceste trunchiul spre dreapta, rezemand tricepsul stang pe partea exterioara a genunchiului indoit. Cu fiecare inspiratie, alungeste mai mult trunchiul si pe fiecare expiratie rasuceste mai mult. Mentine postura timp de 5 respiratii complete, dupa care schimba partea.

Pozitia Ardha Pincha Mayurasana – 5 respiratii complete

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We did it! It’s our final day of #freshtake2019 and today it’s yogi’s choice! I’m hangin out in dolphin pose which is something I do daily! —— We will give everyone a couple of days to finish up the challenge and remember to follow all the rules in the original flyer post to make sure you’ve entered correctly! I’ve been so inspired by your photos and flows and have saved many to my own practice! Love how connected we all get doing these challenges together! —— Check in with the other hosts for their variations and be sure to tag all of us and sponsors so we can follow along! Just one day left before we wrap up! Love seeing everyone’s variations!! . HOSTS: @chelseasyoga @melissa.moffet @shiniyogi @alexzandrapeters . SPONSORS: @aloyoga @alo.moves @risingupstronger @air.and.earth @blueridgehemp

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Incepe din patrupedie, dupa care asaza antebratele pe sol si se intinde picioarele in plansa.

Inspira, iar pe expiratie paseste ca sa ajungi cat mai aproape de coate, asigurandu-te ca ridici posteriorul catre tavan si avand grija sa pastrezi spatele drept. Mentine postura timp de 5 respiratii complete.

Astrologie: pozitia potrivita de yoga in functie de semnul tau zodiacal

Foto: Instagram – Yoga Teacher•RisingUpStronger