Secretul tinutelor perfecte purtate de Michelle Obama: un accesoriu de efect, purtat in orice context!

De Irina Constantin
12 iun. 2020

Fosta Prima Doamna a Statelor Unite ne-a obisnuit cu o eleganta greu de egalat. Aparitiile sale publice au fost intotdeauna perfecte si au avut la baza un accesoriu subtil, dar de efect.

Nu subestima niciodata importanta accesoriilor potrivite. Michelle Obama stie foarte bine acest lucru si poarta acelasi accesoriu simplu si clasic, in majoritatea outfiturilor sale.

6 produse surprinzator de ieftine pe care Michelle Obama le foloseste in fiecare zi

Cerceii rotunzi, accesoriul preferat al lui Michelle Obama

Michelle Obama adora creolele inca din tinerete si le alege cu orice ocazie, fie ca poarta o rochie eleganta sau jeansi si tricou. Intr-o fotografie veche, postata pe Instagram de fostul presedinte al Statelor Unite, Michelle poarta iconicii cercei mari si aurii.

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I knew it way back then and I’m absolutely convinced of it today — you’re one of a kind, @MichelleObama. Happy Birthday!

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De atunci si pana in prezent, Michelle nu a renuntat la look-ul clasic. De curand, aceasta a publicat pe Instagram un videoclip adresat generatiei de absolventi ai anului 2020. In clip, Michelle poarta un sacou alb imaculat si o pereche de creole simple, aurii.

Dieta lui Michelle Obama si alimentul pe care nu-l consuma niciodata

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So much has changed so quickly. And if any of you are confused, or scared, or angry—or just plain overwhelmed—I just want you to know that you aren’t alone. I am feeling all of that, too. And I tried to put together some of my thoughts—for the #Classof2020 and everyone out there using their voice to fight for justice right now. ⁣ ⁣ To anyone out there who feels invisible: Please know that your story matters. Your ideas matter. Your experiences matter. Your vision for what our world can and should be matters. Your anger—that matters too. But left on its own, it will only corrode, destroy, and sow chaos—on the inside and out. Dr. King was angry. Sojourner Truth was angry. Lucretia Mott, Cesar Chavez, the folks at Stonewall—they were all angry. But they were also driven by compassion, by principle—by hope. And if you hold strong with the same faith that carried all those giants before you toward real, measurable progress—you will change the course of history.⁣ ⁣ So what does that mean for our time? If you’re spending a lot of time hashtagging and posting right now, that’s useful, especially during a pandemic. But it’s only a beginning. Go further.⁣ Text everybody you know to join you in exercising their constitutional right to protest. Send all your friends a link to register to vote at And show up to vote in every election. ⁣ ⁣ This is how you can finish the work that the generations before you started. By staying open and hopeful, even through tough times. Even through discomfort and pain. Channel your feelings into activism and into this democracy that was designed to respond to those who vote.⁣ #Classof2020, and every one of you out there doing the hard work of progress, you all are exactly what we need right now—and for the years and decades to come. I love you all. I believe in you all. This is your time. @reachhigher @youtube

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Set 4 perechi de creole subtiri, aurii si argintii,, 29,90 lei

Michelle Obama nu s-a despartit de cerceii sai favoriti nici in turneul de promovare al cartii sale, Becoming („Povestea mea”). Ea a aparut alaturi de Oprah purtand o salopeta neagra cu fermoare si, bineinteles, o pereche de creole metalice.

Cercei rotunzi aurii H&M,, 29,99 lei

Fosta Prima Doamna nu se rezuma doar la creolele simple, ci a purtat, de-a lungul aparitiilor sale publice, si creole cu aplicatii sau detalii interesante. Michelle are o pasiune si pentru creolele mici, care se potrivesc de minune in orice outfit.

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LEADERSHIP WEDNESDAY On our leadership series this Wednesday, is a woman of substance, an example of what an author calls BBC – Beauty, Brain and Character. At Walktall School, we call her mother of all nations. She is no other person than MICHELLE LaVaughn Robinson OBAMA (née Robinson). Michelle Obama, as she is popularly called, was born on January 17, 1964. She is an American lawyer, an author and the first lady of the United States from 2009 to 2017. She is married to the 44th President of the United States, Barack Obama. She is the first African-American First Lady of the United States. Her philosophy of national development hinges on equal access to quality education (the rich, the poor, boys and girls). It her belief that quality education is the tool for individual and collective growth. Michelle Obama has contributed greatly to education, women empowerment, female emancipation among others. She sure has a good fashion sense as well😄. Her union with Barack Obama has produced two amazing ladies, Malia and Sasha. #leadershipwednesday #womeninspiringwomen #womancrushwednesday #womancrusheveryday #michelleobama #qualityeducation #womenempowerment #femaleemancipation #bbc #goodfashionsense

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Cercei rotunzi cu model impletit,, 24,99 lei

Data fiind pasiunea sa pentru acest tip de cercei, nu este de mirare faptul ca Michelle apare purtand creole chiar si pe coperta cartii sale!

Foto: Instagram/Michelle Obama