De ce se judeca Printul Harry si Meghan Markle cu un tabloid: Un proces care porneste de la Printesa Diana

De Maria Constantin
5 oct. 2019

Cand Harry a decis „sa traga“ fara avertisment in atacatorii sotiei sale, el a urmarit sa traseze o granita de netrecut, in incercarea de a-si feri familia de deznodamantul tragic al mamei sale, Diana.

Desi a jucat in serialul „Suits”, care prezinta viata unor avocati din New York, Meghan Markle nu este cunoscuta pentru implicarea in litigii. Dar in aceasta saptamana, ducesa si sotul ei, Printul Harry, au anuntat ca vor da in judecata un tabloid britanic, o actiune hotarata prin care raspund direct la atacurile din presa.

Tabloidele au intrecut masura

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Tonight, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex attended the first of a two game series of the Major League Baseball #LondonSeries, in support of @WeAreInvictusGames. Tonight’s highly anticipated game between the #Yankees and #RedSox took place at London stadium, Olympic Park. The @WeAreInvictusGames, of which His Royal Highness is Founding Patron, has been selected as charity partner for the @MLB 2019 series. The Invictus Games Foundation is the international charity that oversees the development of the Invictus Games, an international adaptive multi-sport event in which wounded, injured or sick armed service personnel and veterans participate. It celebrates the power of sport in recovery and how it can help, physically or psychologically, those suffering from injuries or illness. The word ‘invictus’ means ‘unconquered’ – it embodies the fighting spirit of the competitors. As part of the partnership, the Invictus Games Foundation have a team participating in London’s #Softball60, the social softball series built for the city and targeted to introduce the sport to new audiences and demonstrate that it is an inclusive sport. On this #ArmedForcesDay, tonight’s event was also a chance for Their Royal Highnesses to shine a light on the men and women here in the UK and around the world who have sacrificed so much for their country. Discover more about the Invictus Games Foundation through the link in our bio. Photo credit: PA

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Marti, in timp ce cuplul isi incheia turneul de zece zile din Africa, Harry a anuntat ca va intenta un proces tabloidului Mail on Sunday. Printul a transmis si un comunicat de 500 de cuvinte, despre care Daily Beast scrie ca a fost redactat de el fara ca textul sa fie supervizat de echipa de consilieri, in care invoca „propaganda nemiloasa” si „campania nemiloasa” impotriva sotiei sale. „Nu pot sa descriu cat de dureros a fost”, a scris el in comunicat.

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Today, The Duke of Sussex attends the #ANZACday service at Westminster Abbey with The Duchess of Cambridge and The Duke of Gloucester. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex attended this service last year in addition to the dawn service. They also paid their respects at the #ANZAC memorial in Sydney during their official tour last fall. Having devoted ten years of service to military duty, including two tours in Afghanistan, The Duke completed his time of service with four weeks with the Australian Defence Force. Their Royal Highnesses remain committed to supporting serving members of the Armed Forces, veterans and the families that support them. #ANZACDay commemorates the anniversary of the Anzac landings at Gallipoli in 1915. ANZAC Day is a moment to recognise the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps who lost their lives during the landings, and to honour the sacrifices of men and women in all wars. ANZAC Day has been observed annually in London since King George V attended a service at Westminster Abbey, and more than 2,000 Australian and New Zealand troops marched through the streets. Members of The Royal Family have continued to honour the servicemen and women globally, and today HRH The Duke of Cambridge also paid his respects at @AucklandMuseum. The Duke of Cambridge is visiting The Commonwealth country on behalf of The Queen to pay tribute to those killed in the Christchurch attacks earlier this year.

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Desi nu reprezinta o premiera pentru familia regala, intrucat si alti membri au mai dat in judecata institutii media, gestul ducilor de Sussex este neasteptat si va influenta pe viitor relatia lor cu presa.

Raspunsul la relatarile agresive ale publicatiei pe care au dat-o in judecata arata clar ca ei nu sunt dispusi sa tolereze prezentarea negativa in presa a ducesei Meghan.

Observatorii familiei regale au remarcat ca relatarile tabloidului au fost foarte dure si au intrecut limita dupa ce Meghan a nascut, apoi povestile despre neintelegerile cu tatal ei si cu fratii vitregi au umplut ziarele insulare. „Flagelul” s-a extins si in editia britanica a revistei Vogue, care a criticat-o, printre altele, pe Meghan pentru ca a folosit avionul privat al lui Elton John. Daca nu ar fi reactionat, atacurile tabloidelor s-ar fi intetit; Harry si sotia lui ar fi pierdut controlul acestui fenomen, iar imaginea ducesei, deja afectata, ar fi fost compromisa iremediabil.

Scrisoarea care a declansat razboiul cu tabloidele

Dar mai e ceva: scrisoarea lui Meghan, ceva strict personal. Cuplul nu a mentionat despre ce scrisoare este vorba, insa toate indiciile conduc catre cea pe care ea a scris-o in februarie si pe care i-a trimis-o tatalui sau, Thomas, relateaza Slate.

Se pare ca ducesa a scris-o dupa nunta. Cand a avut loc ceremonia, Meghan si tatal ei aveau o relatie tensionata, intrucat acesta facuse dezvaluiri personale in presa, iar el nu a fost invitat la nunta. Anturajul ducesei sustine ca scopul scrisorii a fost sa repare aceasta relatie in secret, dar Thomas a marturisit pentru Mail on Sunday ca mesajul fiicei lui i-a frant inima. „Faptele voastre mi-au rupt inima intr-un milion de bucati”, a declarat el atunci.

Publicarea scrisorii a indus in eroare cititorii, inclusiv prin omiterea unor cuvinte, si a incalcat legea protejarii datelor personale, intrata in vigoare in 2018 in Marea Britanie, sustin ducii de Sussex. Sunt acuzatii temeinice, pe care avocatii tabloidului vor incerca sa le combata cu argumente credibile, insa misiunea lor este extrem de dificila.

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Today marks the 70th anniversary of the modern Commonwealth – a family of 53 countries working together to promote democracy, protect human rights, regenerate the environment, and focus not on what makes us different – but rather what we have in ‘common.’ What unites us versus what divides us. Representing nearly one third of the world’s population, 60% of whom are under the age of 30, the Commonwealth also serves as a champion for youth empowerment, which is a key focus of The Duke and Duchess of Sussex. Her Majesty The Queen serves as patron of the @queens_commonwealth_trust, which Their Royal Highnesses proudly serve as President and Vice-President of. The Duke is also Commonwealth Youth Ambassador. Through The Duke and Duchess’ Commonwealth travels, they have worked with and supported young leaders on mobilizing youth engagement, and working towards a more unified future that spearheads progress, sustainability, optimism, and taking action. With that said, Mozambique, a member state of the Commonwealth, is currently enduring Cyclone Kenneth, the most destructive natural disaster the northern coast has ever experienced. On the heels of Cyclone Idai (where over 1000 people lost their lives) this cyclone will leave the people of Mozambique victim to catastrophic flooding, food insecurity, displacement, and obliteration of their homes and villages. If you’d like to help, please visit Photo credit: Chris Jackson & Samir Hussein

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Oarecum surprinzator, inainte de a trece „la arme”, Harry nu a facut un apel catre publicatiile agresive sa inceteze atacurile la adresa sotiei sale, desi are un precedent in acest sens. In 2016, el a cenzurat tabloidele pentru relatari rasiste la adresa iubitei sale de atunci. De data asta, printul a preferat sa marcheze punctul care ii ofera un avantaj important si sa rezolve problema in justitie, dandu-le tabloidelor o lectie importanta.

Nu e vorba doar de revansa, ci si de trecutul dureros, in care el si-a pierdut mama. In prezent si viitor isi doreste sa-si protejeze sotia.

Amintirea Printesei Diana

In cea mai dramatica parte a scrisorii, Harry compara situatia sotiei cu cea a regretatei sale mame, Printesa Diana, care a murit intr-un accident auto in timp ce era urmarita de paparazzi, subliniind ca nu doreste ca istoria sa se repete: „Vine un moment cand singurul lucru care trebuie facut este sa iei pozitie impotriva unui asemenea comportament, pentru ca distruge oameni si distruge vieti. Pe scurt, este agresiune, ceea ce sperie si reduce oamenii la tacere. Cu totii stim ca asa ceva este inacceptabil, la orice nivel. Nu vrem si nu putem sa credem intr-o lume in care nu exista raspundere pentru asa ceva”, a scris Harry in comunicatul sau.

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04 November 1989: Princess Diana attends a dinner banquet hosted by The British Ambassador William White at The British Embassy in Jakarta, Indonesia ■ 04 نوفمبر 1989: اﻷميرة ديانا تحضر مأدبة عشاء رسمية أقامها السفير البريطاني ويليام وايت في مقر السفارة البريطانية بمدينة جاكارتا في إندونيسيا ■ #princessdianaforever #humanitarian #princessofwales #princessdiana #gb #hertruestory #kensingtonpalace #uk #thebritishroyalfamily #theroyalfamily #thebritishmonarchy #queenofhearts #instagood #instaroyal #instalike #di #fashionicon #peoplesprincess #style #glamorous #icon #foreveryoung #uk #الأميرة_ديانا #أميرة_ويلز #أميرة_القلوب #الأميرة_ديانا_لﻷبد #بريطانيا #لندن #قصتها_الحقيقية #أميرة_الشعب

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„Chiar daca ar putea sa nu fie o actiune sigura, este una corecta. Nu vreau ca istoria sa se repete, aceasta este teama mea cea mai mare. Am vazut ce se intampla cand cineva pe care il iubesc este descris astfel pana cand nu mai e tratat sau privit ca o persoana reala. Mi-am pierdut mama si acum vad cum sotia mea cade victima acelorasi forte puternice”, a explicat Harry.

Harry pune piciorul in prag

Un comentator al BBC a numit comunicatul emis de Harry drept remarcabil, „un atac usturator” la adresa presei britanice. „Presa – in special tabloidele – este mult mai putin puternica decat pe vremea mamei sale”, a declarat un alt comentator.

Demersul printului are toate sansele sa impuna o limita de netrecut in relatia presei cu familia sa, stabilind un tratament egal cu cel de care se bucura familia fratelui mai mare, Printul William. Daca Kate Middleton s-a bucurat de la bun inceput de simpatia publicului, Meghan Markle a fost imediat tinta tabloidelor, iar aceasta tendinta parea sa scape de sub control.

Harry pune acum piciorul in prag si transmite raspicat ca oricine va continua pe aceasta linie va trebui sa raspunda.

Foto: Getty Images.